Feature Story!


      On the website I have provided above includes an article named, Discovering My Hips in Hula Dancing, written by Dana Mackenzie. It was an interesting article to read and I enjoyed it a lot. It was about how Dana Mackenzie, a skinny male that was 40-something years old, who wanted to learn how to hula dance. He compared it to the Samoan dances that he saw on the Hawaii trip with his wife and figured hula would be easy to learn except that wasn't the case. With this thought in his head, Dana goes ahead and signs up for a hula class, but then he got sent out because the ladies there were uncomfortable with him there. After that he waited about 2 years and tried a class again. This time he was able to join because there were 2 other males taking this class as well.


      After joining the class, he figures out that moving his hips are difficult for him and that the real problem is actually mental rather than physical. Soon after, he schedules private lessons with his teacher and his performance improves. Now he is in his 60s and still proud of dancing hula. Dana claims it was a real challenge, but glad he did it. My opinion about this article was that it wasn't a boring read. The only part that bothered me was about his first class that he tried. I do understand the discomfort of the females, but they could've understood that males do this type of dancing as well. I admired the effort he put into learning this type of dancing, too. I do understand the difficulty because my family knows how to do these type of dances and I'm still in the process of learning. I did not expect that it was a guy telling this story which caught me off guard.  All in all, this news story was entertaining and it caught my attention really fast. 
